Work in isolation is a technique I use to
quickly produce example code for my team mates.
I keep my coding environment near by so I can create proof of concept code snippets, using a specific technique, library function or api.
being able to produce code that "compiles" and even "run" is often key to helping someone make progress on their work.
This approach helps avoid suggesting solutions that are not workable or that mis-understand the problem.
The isolated environment is ideal for writing new code.
The inner loop times are seconds and
the approach creates the comfort of test driven development
it enables the ability to execute coding workflows freely
write code, run tests, and repeat that loop to make steady progress through the problem that you are solving.
and the comforting wall of green.
commit and push to share the examples with others.
I'm going to show an example of this technique
through the use a project I created to
demonstrate how to work on WinRT based designs
for a team mate.
Idl Playground
Build Times
Wall of Green
Commit and push
Failed test workflows
Using git to make incremental progress
Satisfying dependencies