From 1b95695f29f59e81dfe5f859150d1ad7a07169a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shane Steinert-Threlkeld Masters Student in Computational Linguistics
+ PhD Student in Computational Linguistics
- Yifan is interested in computational semantics and the interpretability of NLP models. He is
- currently working on a project that aims to understand neural networks via causal inference
- methods. Outside of research, Yifan enjoys reading philosophy and playing video games.
+ Chris studies multimodal language models and natural languages through controlled computational experiments. He is interested in advancing reinforcement learning techniques to emulate language evolution, acquisition, and processing. Chris is also working to build NLP resources for Italic and Mexican languages.
C.M. Downey
Yifan Jiang
- Chris Haberland
- yfjiang AT uw DOT edu
+ Personal Website
+ haberc_ATT uw_DOTT [educ. abbrev.]
Naomi Tachikawa Shapiro
PhD Student in Computational Linguistics
- Personal Website
- haberc_ATT uw_DOTT [educ. abbrev.]
- Chris studies multimodal language models and natural languages through controlled computational experiments. He is interested in advancing reinforcement learning techniques to emulate language evolution, acquisition, and processing. Chris is also working to build NLP resources for Italic and Mexican languages. -
-Mathematics and Linguistics
-- Gladys is interested in the S-side of linguistics, math, and their intersection with - NLP, but still needs to make up her mind about what she wants to pursue lifelong. - Outside of research, she enjoys cooking, watching anime, and maybe camping once or twice - per year. -
-Computer Science and Linguistics +
MAster's Student in Computational Linguistics
Statistics + Linguistics minor
-- Minghe is currently exploring her research interest (aka to be determined), and the world - full of uncertainties. She plans to continue her study of Statistics in graduate school and - to take intriguing NLP courses. She's now participating in the Modals Database research - project. Outside of school, she enjoys trying new recipes, being a "connoisseur", and - rambling in Seattle. -