- Docker environment with external network connectivity To install - https://www.docker.com/community-edition
Clone this repository and enter it
user@host~$ git clone https://github.com/C-SWARM/pgfem-3d-docker.git
user@host~$ cd pgfem-3d-docker
If you are building on a Linux machine running the 4.19 Linux Kernel, you may see an error:
error creating new backup file '/var/lib/dpkg/status-old': Invalid cross-device link
Running the following before building should solve:
echo N | sudo tee /sys/module/overlay/parameters/metacopy
Next, build the docker container. Be sure the docker daemon is running, most likely dockerd
user@host~/pgfem-3d-docker $ docker build -t "cswarm:pgfem3d" .
Docker will pull the required base image and begin building the PGFem3D software. This may take a considerable amount of time depending on your hardware. 10m to 20m is common.
Software is installed to the /opt prefix within the container image.
Once the build is complete, you may launch PGFem3d from within your docker container. For example:
user@host~$ docker images -a # to list images
user@host~$ docker run "cswarm:pgfem3d" /opt/pgfem-3d/bin/PGFem3D -SS
In order to build, run, and visualize output from an interactive shell in your container:
- For X forwarding from the docker container, Mac OS X users must first follow XQuartz instructions at the end of this document.
user@host~$ docker run --net=host -e DISPLAY --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/cswarm/.Xauthority:rw" -ti "cswarm:pgfem3d" /bin/bash
cswarm@container~$ cd pgfem-3d
cswarm@container~$ make check
To run the example from the interactive shell inside the container:
cswarm@container~$ cd pgfem-3d-examples
cswarm@container~$ ./local_makeset.pl clean -np 4 # to generate input (for 4-core job)
cswarm@container~$ ./run.sh 4 # to run the example (for 4-core job)
To visualize the resulting output launch paraview.
cswarm@container~$ paraview &
On Linux systems, if you see an error similar to the following:
X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10
run the following before the above paraview command:
cswarm@container~$ export QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1
Once the paraview GUI is open:
- File -> Load State -> select the file "parview_displacement_z.pvsm" (or "parview_displacement_y.pvsm") and click OK
- Once the paraview state is loaded, point to: out -> box_4CPU -> VTK -> box_..pvtu
- Click onto the "Play" button to see the effect of thermal expansion
In order to retain changes made within the container, from a second terminal on the host (not the terminal inside the container).
user@host~$ docker ps # to find the CONTAINER_ID to commit changes
user@host~$ docker commit CONTAINER_ID cswarm:pgfem3d # to commit the changes to cswarm:pgfem3d
Preparing XQuartz On Mac OS X for visualizatoin (use a terminal on the host)
- XQuartz can be installed from https://www.xquartz.org/.
- You may need to log out and log back in after a new XQuartz install.
- The homebrew install is untested.
- Ensure that X11 Preferences -> Security -> enable "Allow connection from network clients" is clicked in the preference pane.
user@host~$ open -a XQuartz
user@host~$ defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true # without iglx, paraview gets frozen
user@host~$ xhost + $(hostname)
user@host~$ export DISPLAY=$(hostname):0
For any technical assistance, please contact:
- Ezra Kissel [email protected]
- Kamal K Saha [email protected]
- Luke D'Alessandro [email protected]