All of the other examples are designed to work with Grafana 7.5.x and forward. If you are using Grafana 7.4.x or before then you need to use tempo-query along with Tempo for querying. This example shows all the configuration points necessary to pull this off.
- First start up the stack.
docker-compose up -d
At this point, the following containers should be spun up -
docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
grafana74_grafana_1 / Up>3000/tcp
grafana74_prometheus_1 /bin/prometheus --config.f ... Up>9090/tcp
grafana74_synthetic-load-generator_1 ./ Up
grafana74_tempo-query_1 /go/bin/query-linux --grpc ... Up>16686/tcp
grafana74_tempo_1 /tempo -config.file=/etc/t ... Up>14268/tcp,>3200/tcp
- If you're interested you can see the wal/blocks as they are being created.
ls tempo-data/
- The synthetic-load-generator is now printing out trace ids it's flushing into Tempo. To view its logs use -
docker-compose logs -f synthetic-load-generator
synthetic-load-generator_1 | 20/10/24 08:26:55 INFO ScheduledTraceGenerator: Emitted traceId 48367daf25266daa for service frontend route /currency
synthetic-load-generator_1 | 20/10/24 08:26:55 INFO ScheduledTraceGenerator: Emitted traceId 10e50d2aca58d5e7 for service frontend route /cart
synthetic-load-generator_1 | 20/10/24 08:26:55 INFO ScheduledTraceGenerator: Emitted traceId 51a4ac1638ee4c63 for service frontend route /shipping
synthetic-load-generator_1 | 20/10/24 08:26:55 INFO ScheduledTraceGenerator: Emitted traceId 1219370c6a796a6d for service frontend route /product
Logs are in the form
Emitted traceId <traceid> for service frontend route /cart
Copy one of these trace ids.
- Navigate to Grafana and paste the trace id to request it from Tempo.
Note: This example uses the "Tempo-Query" datasource which is specially configured to look at tempo-query.
- To stop the setup use -
docker-compose down -v