+++ author = "EEC Bench Wiki" mintoclevel = 2
website_title = "Benchmarks of Quantum Error Correcting Codes and Syndrome Decoders"
website_descr = "Benchmarks of Quantum Error Correcting Codes and Syndrome Decoders"
website_url = "https://eccbench.areweentangledyet.com"
website_img = "/assets/images/logo-umass.png"
website_footer = """
Powered by
the QuantumClifford framework,
the Franklin website generator,
the Julia language.
Built at UMass Amherst with help from our outstanding undergraduate and MS students.
ignore = ["_2.markdown_generation_pass/code_template.md"]
prepath = get(ENV, "PREVIEW_FRANKLIN_PREPATH", ".") website_url = get(ENV, "PREVIEW_FRANKLIN_WEBSITE_URL", "") +++