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SCL Data - Data Ecosystem Working Group

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Important: This package is in Beta - expect changes and updates

Library to access standardized SCLdata indicators on topics such as poverty, inequality, health, labor market, gender and diversity, education and migration for the 26 countries of the region.

This tool was developed to facilitate the consultation of the region's indicators, providing a unified source of data on different topics that can be easily used to generate comparative analyses or studies on the region.This will boost knowledge about the region, facilitating decision making with a reliable and comparable source of information for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.


For the moment this package is only available from github.

R (>= 3.3) rlang (1.0.6) purrr(0.3.5)

To install the development version:


# Optional dependency for some functions


With this function you can download any indicator from the SCLdata collections. You can browse this dictionary to see what is available.

Search Indicators

# A tibble: 8 x 6
  indicator      description_en                               description_es valuetype label_en label_es
  <chr>          <chr>                                        <chr>          <chr>     <chr>    <chr>   
1 pobreza        "Percentage of the population whose income ~ Porcentage de~ pct       Poverty~ Pobreza~
2 pobreza_PHC    "Percentage of the population with incomes ~ Porcentage de~ pct       Poverty~ Pobreza~
3 pobreza31      "\nPercentage of the population with income~ Porcentage de~ pct       Extreme~ Pobreza~
4 pobreza31_PHC  "\nPercentage of the population with income~ Porcentage de~ pct       Extreme~ Pobreza~

Query Indicators

data <- idbsocialdataR:::query_indicator(indicator='pobreza',
# A tibble: 5 x 23
  iddate  year month idgeo  isoalpha3 source  indicator area  value     se    cv sample theme_es theme_en
  <chr>  <dbl> <lgl> <chr>  <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     <chr> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   
1 year    2006 NA    countBRA       BRA-PNpobreza   rural  62.0 0.206  0.333  64606 ingreso  income  
2 year    2006 NA    countBRA       BRA-PNpobreza   urban  30.9 0.0875 0.283 332088 ingreso  income  
3 year    2012 NA    countBRA       BRA-PNpobreza   rural  46.1 0      0      51214 ingreso  income  
4 year    2012 NA    countBRA       BRA-PNpobreza   urban  17.9 0      0     297772 ingreso  income  
5 year    2015 NA    countBRA       BRA-PNpobreza   rural  43.0 0      0      51544 ingreso  income  
# … with 9 more variables: source_en <chr>, source_es <chr>, country_name_en <chr>,
#   country_name_es <chr>, valuetype <chr>, label_en <chr>, label_es <chr>, description_en <chr>,
#   description_es <chr>



dictionary <- idbsocialdataR:::query_dictionary() %>% select(collection, indicator, label_es)
# A tibble: 757 x 3
   collection                      indicator        label_es                                             
   <chr>                           <chr>            <chr>                                                
 1 Household Socio-Economic Surveurbano_ci        "Porcentaje dela población que reside en zonas urban…
 2 Household Socio-Economic Surve… unip_ch          "Porcentaje de hogares unipersonales "               
 3 Household Socio-Economic Surve… union_ci         "Porcentaje de personas en unión formal o informal"  
 4 Household Socio-Economic Surve… tamh_ch          "Tamaño promedio del hogar"                          
 5 Household Socio-Economic Surve… rural_ci         "Porcentaje de la población que reside en zonas rura

countries, Sources & themes

countries <- idbsocialdataR:::get_countries()

sources <- idbsocialdataR:::get_sources()

themes <- idbsocialdataR:::get_themes()


Optional dependency "sf" must be installed to use this function.

idbsocialdataR:::get_map(level = '1', isoalpha3 = 'COL') %>% 
  ggplot(aes(fill = isoalpha3)) +
  geom_sf(size = 0.25)


You can always build your own graphs but sometimes it is useful to have some quick-plots.

Line Chart

idbsocialdataR:::idbsocial_plot('pobreza',type='line', countries='All' ,yearstart = 2000, yearend = 2020, categories='All')

Bar Chart

idbsocialdataR:::idbsocial_plot('pobreza',type='bar', countries='MEX,ARG' ,yearstart = 2000, yearend = 2020)


Optional dependency "sf" must be installed to use this function.

idbsocialdataR:::idbsocial_choropleth('pobreza', year = 2020, isoalpha3='All')


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The IDB is not responsible, under any circumstance, for damage or compensation, moral or patrimonial; direct or indirect; accessory or special; or by way of consequence, foreseen or unforeseen, that could arise:

I. Under any concept of intellectual property, negligence or detriment of another part theory; I ii. Following the use of the Digital Tool, including, but not limited to defects in the Digital Tool, or the loss or inaccuracy of data of any kind. The foregoing includes expenses or damages associated with communication failures and / or malfunctions of computers, linked to the use of the Digital Tool.