This tutorial will let you create a jumpbox VM inside a vnet, optionally by using Azure Bastion to connect via HTTPS.
To enjoy these quickstart, you will need to:
- have an active Azure subscription that you can use for development purposes,
- have permissions to create resources, set permissions, and create identities in this subscription (or at least in one resource group),
- Note that to set permissions, you typically need Owner role in the subscription or resource group - Contributor role is not enough. This is key for being able to secure the setup.
- install the Azure CLI.
Check availability of confidential compute VMS in your region..
Adjust parameters, in particular:
- vnetName: name of the vNet to join.
- subnetName: name of the subnet inside the vNet.
- nsgName: name of the existing security group applying to the VM.
In the resource group of your AzureML workspace, use the following command with parameters corresponding to your setup:
az deployment group create --template-file ./mlops/bicep/modules/resources/jumpbox_cc.bicep --resource-group <resource group name> --parameters vnetName="..." subnetName="..." nsgName="..." jumpboxOs="linux"