Copyright (C) 2021, Axis Communications AB, Lund, Sweden. All Rights Reserved.
This example demonstrates how to create a simple containerized Python application and run it on an edge device.
Going from zero to a Python application running on an Axis device is quite easy. First, the application script is written, as in the hello-world script in app/ Next, the Dockerfile which builds the application image is constructed. The application needs to be built and uploaded, as is specified below.
Following are the list of files and a brief description of each file in the example
├── app
│ └──
├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
- - A Python script that prints "Hello World"
- Dockerfile - Build instructions for the application image that is run on the camera
- docker-compose.yml - A docker-compose file that specifies how the application is run
Meet the following requirements to ensure compatibility with the example:
- Axis device
- Chip: ARTPEC-8 DLPU devices (e.g., Q1656)
- Firmware: 11.10 or higher
- Docker ACAP version 3.0 installed and started, using TLS with TCP and IPC socket and SD card as storage
- Computer
- Either Docker Desktop version 4.11.1 or higher,
- or Docker Engine version 20.10.17 or higher with BuildKit enabled using Docker Compose version 1.29.2 or higher
Define and export the application image name in APP_NAME
for use in the Docker Compose file.
export APP_NAME=hello-world-python
# Install qemu to allow build for a different architecture
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --credential yes --persistent yes
docker build --tag $APP_NAME .
DEVICE_IP=<actual camera IP address>
docker --tlsverify --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:$DOCKER_PORT system prune --all --force
If you encounter any TLS related issues, please see the TLS setup chapter regarding the DOCKER_CERT_PATH
environment variable in the Docker ACAP repository.
Browse to the application page of the Axis device:
Click on the tab Apps
in the device GUI and enable Allow unsigned apps
Next, the built image needs to be uploaded to the device. This can be done through a registry or directly. In this case, the direct transfer is used by piping the compressed application directly to the device's Docker client:
docker save $APP_NAME | docker --tlsverify --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:$DOCKER_PORT load
With the application image on the device, it can be started using docker-compose.yml
docker --tlsverify --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:$DOCKER_PORT compose up
# Cleanup
docker --tlsverify --host tcp://$DEVICE_IP:$DOCKER_PORT compose down
The expected output from the application is simply:
Hello World!