File IO library based on Posix API for Kotlin/Native
Currently, contains only JS, JVM, Windows and Posix (Linux X64 / MacOS X64) actual realisation. In plans support mingw (Windows) archetype.
This library shares standard java file API to native environment, implementing Posix API.
// put this block somewhere in root build.gradle.kts file
allprojects {
repositories {
// then in module's build.gradle.kts in target's dependencies section:
val fileIoVersion: String by extra // reads from
// expect; for kotlin common modules
// actual; demands on target type
implementation("me.archinamon:file-io-jvm:$fileIoVersion") // for jvm module
implementation("me.archinamon:file-io-js:$fileIoVersion") // for kotlin-js module
implementation("me.archinamon:file-io-linuxx64:$fileIoVersion") // for linux x64 posix module
implementation("me.archinamon:file-io-macosx64:$fileIoVersion") // for macOS x64 posix module
implementation("me.archinamon:file-io-mingwx64:$fileIoVersion") // for windows x64 module