Top 10 Filters on Stock Screener
Filter | Expectation | Definition |
Beta | low | Beta is a measure of a company’s stock price risk in comparison to the market. |
% Away From 52W High | high | % Away From 52W High refers to the percentage difference between the current price of a stock or asset and its highest price reached over the past 52 weeks (one year). |
Debt to Equity | low | Debt to Equity (D/E) is a financial ratio that compares a company’s total debt to its shareholders’ equity |
Alpha | high | Alpha refers to the % outperformance by funds over and above the performance of their benchmark. |
ROCE | high | ROCE, or Return on Capital Employed, is a financial ratio that measures the profitability and efficiency of a company’s capital investments. It assesses how effectively a company generates profits from the capital employed in its operations. |
Daily Volume | high | Daily Volume refers to the total number of shares or contracts traded in a particular security or asset during a single trading day. It represents the level of activity and liquidity in the market for that particular asset on a given day. |
5Y CAGR | high | 5Y CAGR stands for 5-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate. It is a financial metric that measures the average annual growth rate of a quantity over a period of five years, assuming that the growth rate is compounded annually. |
Return on Equity | high | Return on Equity (ROE) is a financial ratio that measures the profitability and efficiency of a company in generating profits from the equity invested by its shareholders. It indicates how effectively a company utilizes its shareholders’ equity to generate returns. |
5Y Historical Revenue Growth | high | 5Y Historical Revenue Growth refers to the average annual growth rate of a company’s revenue over a five-year period. It measures the rate at which a company’s revenue has increased or decreased on average each year during that period. |
Dividend Yield | high | The dividend yield is a financial ratio that measures the annual dividend income generated by an investment relative to its market price. It indicates the percentage return an investor can expect to receive from dividends alone, without considering any potential capital appreciation. |