Refers to section Selecting the calibration and validation sets
Install the required packages
Sys.setenv(language = "EN")
if (!require(resemble))
install.packages("resemble") # version 1.2.2
if (!require(prospectr))
install.packages("prospectr") # version 0.1.3
if (!require(clhs))
install.packages("clhs") # version 0.5-6
if (!require(matrixStats))
install.packages("matrixStats") # version 0.51.0
if (!require(doParallel))
install.packages("doParallel") # version 1.0.10
if (!require(ggplot2))
install.packages("ggplot2") # version 2.2.1
Define the working directory
workingd <- "your/working/directory/"
Read the data
data <- read.table("SoilNIRSaoPaulo.txt", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, sep ="\t")
Minimum wavelength in the dataset
mwav <- 502
spc <- log(1/data[,which(colnames(data) == mwav):ncol(data)])
data <- data[,-c(which(colnames(data) == mwav):ncol(data))]
data$spc <- spc
Apply standard normal variate
data$spc_snv <- standardNormalVariate(data$spc)
Remove the validation samples from the analysis
data <- data[data$set == "cal_candidate",]
Compress the data
pcaall <- orthoProjection(Xr = data$spc_snv, X2 = NULL,
Yr = NULL,
method = "pca", pcSelection = list("cumvar", 0.99),
center = TRUE, scaled = FALSE, cores = 1)
Standardize the scores
pcaall$scores.std <- sweep(pcaall$scores, MARGIN = 2, STATS = pcaall$sc.sdv, FUN = "/")
Compute the maximum and minimum of each score for the limits of the density estimations
max.sc <- colMins(pcaall$scores.std)
min.sc <- colMaxs(pcaall$scores.std)
Compute the mean and standard deviation of each score for the comparisons with the samples
mean.sc <- colMeans(pcaall$scores.std)
sd.sc <- colSds(pcaall$scores.std)
Number of points in the density distribution
nxdens <- 500
Matrix where the density values will be stored
ix <- 1
sc.dens <- data.frame(seq(min.sc[ix], max.sc[ix], length = nxdens),
matrix(NA, nxdens, length(min.sc)))
colnames(sc.dens) <- c("x", paste("densc", 1:length(min.sc), sep = ""))
Estimate the density distribution of each component
d.bandwidths <- rep(NA, length(min.sc))
names(d.bandwidths) <- colnames(pcaall$scores.std)
for(i in 1:length(min.sc)){
idsty <- density(pcaall$scores.std[,i],
bw = "nrd0",
n = nxdens, from = min.sc[i], to = max.sc[i],
kernel = "gaussian")
sc.dens[,i+1] <- idsty$y
d.bandwidths[i] <- idsty$bw
Create different sample set size
css <- seq(10, 400, by = 10)
Sample with conditioned latin hypercube sampling (clhs)
results.clhs <- data.frame(css = css,
msd = rep(NA, length(css)),
mndiff = rep(NA, length(css)),
sddiff = rep(NA, length(css)))
for(k in 1:10){
results.clhs[,-1] <- NA
fn <- paste("6pcs_resultsclhs_rep", k,".txt", sep = "")
if(fn %in% list.files())
results.clhs <- read.table(fn, header = T, sep = "\t")
iter.p <- 1 + sum(rowSums(!is.na(results.clhs)) == ncol(results.clhs))
for(i in iter.p:length(css)){
i.calidx <- clhs(as.data.frame(pcaall$scores.std),
size = css[i], iter = 10000)
j.sc.dens <- msd.sc <- sc.dens
for(j in 1:length(min.sc)){
# use the same bandwidth (bw) as in the whole set of candidates
j.sc.dens[,j+1] <- density(pcaall$scores.std[i.calidx,j],
bw = d.bandwidths[j],
n = nxdens, from = min.sc[j], to = max.sc[j],
kernel = "gaussian")$y
results.clhs$msd[i] <- mean(colMeans((j.sc.dens[,-1] - sc.dens[,-1])^2, na.rm = T))
results.clhs$mndiff[i] <- mean(abs(colMeans(pcaall$scores.std[i.calidx,])))
results.clhs$sddiff[i] <- mean(abs(colSds(pcaall$scores.std[i.calidx,]) - 1))
file = fn,
row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
nmsrepsclhs <- paste("6pcs_resultsclhs_rep", 1:10, ".txt", sep = "")
final.clhs <- 0
for(i in nmsrepsclhs){
iter <- which(i == nmsrepsclhs)
results.clhs <- read.table(i, header = T, sep = "\t")
results.clhs$mndiff <- abs(results.clhs$mndiff)
final.clhs <- final.clhs + results.clhs
if(iter == length(nmsrepsclhs))
final.clhs <- final.clhs/iter
write.table(final.clhs, file = "6pcs_final.clhs.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
final.clhs_sd <- 0
for(i in nmsrepsclhs){
iter <- which(i == nmsrepsclhs)
results.clhs <- read.table(i, header = T, sep = "\t")
results.clhs$mndiff <- abs(results.clhs$mndiff)
final.clhs_sd <- (results.clhs - final.clhs_sd)^2
if(iter == length(nmsrepsclhs))
final.clhs_sd <- (final.clhs_sd/iter)^0.5
final.clhs_plot <- data.frame(final.clhs[,1:2],
sd_lower = final.clhs[,2] - final.clhs_sd[,2],
sd_upper = final.clhs[,2] + final.clhs_sd[,2])
Plot the results using ggplot
p.tmp <- ggplot(final.clhs_plot) + geom_line(aes(x = css, msd, colour = "msd")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(face= "bold.italic", colour = grey(0.2), size=18),
axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, vjust =0.5, hjust =0.5, size=14),
legend.title = element_text(colour = "white", size=20)) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(face= "bold", colour = grey(0.2), size=18),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, vjust=0, size=14)) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
theme(legend.text = element_text(face="bold", colour = grey(0.2), size=18)) +
labs(y = "msd", x = "Calibration set size") +
theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey"),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 16, colour = "black", angle = 0))
Save the plot
pdf(file = "calibration_set_size.pdf", width = 8, height = 6)
p.tmp + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=sd_lower, ymax=sd_upper, x=css, colour = "bands"), alpha = 0.2) +
scale_colour_manual(name = '', values = c("bands" = NA, "msd" = "black"))
Save the results
final.clhs <- read.table("6pcs_final.clhs.txt", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, sep ="\t")