- updating GCLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON to work with the latest version of GoogleAuth
- adding support for Ruby 3
- defaulting the Google::Cloud.datastore network timeout to 15 sec and providing the env var DATASTORE_NETWORK_TIMEOUT as an override.
- adding support Google::Cloud::Datastore 2.0.0 (rewritten low-level client, with improved performance and stability).
- adding support for Rails 6
- adding Travis CI configuration (rud)
- no longer override connection related environment variables if already defined(shao1555)
- adding support for passing query an array of select properties
- adding support for setting indexed false on individual entity properties
- updating example Cloud Datastore Rails app to 5.1.4
- retry on exceptions are now specific to Google::Cloud::Error
- non-Rails projects now source client authentication settings automatically (rjmooney)
- documentation improvements
- adding CarrierWave file upload support
- updating example Cloud Datastore Rails app to 5.1
- adding image upload example to example Rails app
- now store a hash of entity properties during entity to model conversion
- preparing for CarrierWave file upload support
- adding support for boolean types to format_property_value
- many documentation improvements
- adding support for creating entity groups through either a parent or parent_key_id
- example Rails 5 app
Initial release.