diff --git a/docs/DeveloperGuide.md b/docs/DeveloperGuide.md
index adbf05ccf3..fd5b9fc774 100644
--- a/docs/DeveloperGuide.md
+++ b/docs/DeveloperGuide.md
@@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
![EZ Manager Welcome](https://i.ibb.co/n7zphMR/ezmanagerterminal.png)
## **Changelog**
-Identifier | Changes | Date
----------- | ------------------- | ----
-A | Incorporated feedback from CS2101 review
- Include table of content
- Include preface for sections
- Add introductory sections
- Address the reader directly – “You”
| 29 October 2020
-B | final developer guide for CS2113T Team project- Include table of content
- Included updated command summary
- Converted DG to Markdown
- Included sequence diagrams
| 09 November 2020
+![EZ Manager Changelog](https://i.ibb.co/NNcdxnh/changelog.png)
## **Table of Contents**
@@ -17,7 +15,7 @@ B | final developer guide for CS2113T Team project- Include table of conte
- [Implementation](#implementation)
- [Testing](#running-tests)
- Dev Ops
- - [Making A Release](#devops---making-a-release)
+ - [Making A Release](#devops)
- Appendices
- [Appendix A: Product Scope](#Appendix-A-Product-Scope-Samuel-Leow)
- [Appendix B: Commands Summary](#Appendix-B-Command-Summary-Samuel-Paul-Christopher)
@@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ Developers are welcome to contribute by submitting issues or pull requests on ou
### **Consideration (Sean Tan)**
Eazy was developed via a breadth first iterative approach with new commands progressively added. An n-tier architecture ensured separation of concern between various layers of the architecture but much of the program’s logic remained in the Command classes. This design architecture ensured minimal changes to the codebase when new commands were added. Often, new commands or feature addition required changes to only a single data class and addition of a new independent command class.
-### **Overall Architecture (Sean)**
+### **Overall Architecture (Sean Tan)**
Ez Manager consists of 4 main layers:
* Ui: Handles the output of the app
* Logic: Command parser and executor
@@ -429,6 +427,23 @@ The following sequence diagram shows how the “Assign member to task” command
+### **Hours Worked By Worker Command (Sean Tan)**
+This command allows project managers to view the total hours worked by a worker
+The logic for this command is primarily written in TeamMemberHoursCommand class. It extends from the abstract Command class.
+The steps below show how such a class is initialized and used to execute the command.
+Step 1: Parser initializes TeamMemberHoursCommand by passing a hashmap of input parameters together with projectIndex into its constructor.
+Step 2: Parse() method of TeamMemberDeleteCommand extracts the index of the member to be retrieved from the hashmap.
+Step 3: ExecuteCommand() method of TeamMemberDeleteCommand is called by Duke main class, which passes it the program’s arraylist of members.
+* The method getTasks() of the specific member is called which retrieves all the tasks the member was assigned.
+* The method getActual() of each of these tasks is called which retrieves the actual time taken to complete these tasks.
+* The total hours of these tasks are then summed up.
+* The Ui class then prints the total number of hours worked by these workers.
+The following sequence diagram shows how the “Hours Worked by worker” command works:
### **Removing a member from Home View(Sean Tan)**
This command allows project managers to remove members from the main members list in the home view.
@@ -728,7 +743,7 @@ There are two ways to run tests for EZ manager.
- On Windows, run the command `gradlew clean allTests` in a terminal
- On Mac or Linux, run the command `./gradlew clean allTests` in a terminal
-## **DevOps - Making a Release (Samuel Paul Christopher)**
+## **DevOps (Samuel Paul Christopher)**
Here are the steps to create a new release.
1. Update the version number in Duke.java
2. Generate a JAR file using Gradle
diff --git a/ezmanager.txt b/ezmanager.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e23eb39357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ezmanager.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Project two
+status false
+projectDeadline 2020-10-10
+Project one
+status false
+projectDeadline 2020-11-11
+Project p1
+status false
+projectDeadline null
+task1 | tS 0 tE | dS 2020-12-03dE | pS 0 pE
+tsk2 | tS 0 tE | pS 1 pE
+task3 | tS 0 tE | pS 0 pE
+Project p2
+status false
+projectDeadline null
+Project p3
+status false
+projectDeadline 2020-12-12
+das | tS 0 tE | dS 2020-12-12dE | pS 0 pE
+Project Web Development
+status false
+projectDeadline null
diff --git a/src/main/java/seedu/duke/ui/Ui.java b/src/main/java/seedu/duke/ui/Ui.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e0a26e4f..0000000000
--- a/src/main/java/seedu/duke/ui/Ui.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-package seedu.duke.ui;
-import seedu.ezmanager.member.TeamMember;
-import seedu.ezmanager.project.Project;
-import seedu.ezmanager.task.Task;
-import java.time.LocalDate;
-import java.time.LocalDateTime;
-import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.time.Period;
-public class Ui {
- private static final String MESSAGE_SINGLE_LINE = "_________________________________________"
- + "____________________________________________";
- private static final String MESSAGE_WELCOME = "Hello from EzManager!\n"
- + "What can I do for you?";
- private static final String MESSAGE_GOODBYE = "See you again!";
- private static final String MESSAGE_LOGO = " _____ ___ ___\n"
- + "| ___| | \\ / |\n"
- + "| |___ _____ | \\/ | ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____\n"
- + "| ___||___ / | |\\ /| || __ | | __ || __ | | __ || __ | / ___ \\| ___|\n"
- + "| |___ / /_ | | \\/ | || |__| |_ | | | || |__| |_ | | | || |__| || ___/| |\n"
- + "|_____| /____||__| |__||________||_| |_||________||_| |_||____ ||______||__|\n"
- + " | |\n"
- + " ____| |\n"
- + " |______|\n";
- public void printWelcome() {
- System.out.println(MESSAGE_SINGLE_LINE);
- System.out.println(MESSAGE_LOGO);
- System.out.println(MESSAGE_WELCOME);
- System.out.println(MESSAGE_SINGLE_LINE);
- }
- public static String printGoodbyeMessage() {
- }
- public void printLine() {
- System.out.println(MESSAGE_SINGLE_LINE);
- }
- public static void printOutput(String output) {
- System.out.println(output);
- }
- public static String printMemberAddedMessage(String name) {
- return "Team member \"" + name + "\" has been added";
- }
- public static String printMemberRemovedInHomeViewMessage(String name) {
- return "Team member \"" + name + "\" has been removed from program entirely";
- }
- public static String printMemberRemovedInProjectViewMessage(String name, String projectName) {
- return "Team member \"" + name + "\" has been removed from Project \"" + projectName + "\"";
- }
- public static String printProjectDeletedMessage(Project project) {
- return "Project \"" + project.getProjectName() + "\" deleted";
- }
- public static String printProjectListMessage(ArrayList projects) {
- String output = "";
- output += "List of Projects:";
- for (int i = 0; i < projects.size(); i++) {
- output += "\n " + (i + 1) + "." + projects.get(i).getProjectName();
- if (projects.get(i).getProjectDeadline() != null) {
- output += " (" + projects.get(i).getProjectDeadline() + ") ";
- }
- }
- return output;
- }
- public static String printTaskListMessage(Project project) {
- project.sortTasksList();
- int numberOfTasks = project.getTaskList().size();
- String output = "List of Tasks:";
- for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTasks; i++) {
- output += "\n " + (i + 1) + "." + project.getTask(i)
- + ((project.getTask(i).getPriority() != 0) ? "|"
- + "priority: " + project.getTask(i).getPriority() : "");
- }
- return output;
- }
- public static String printProjectCreatedMessage(String projectName) {
- return "Project \"" + projectName + "\" created!";
- }
- public static String printProjectDescriptionAddedMessage(Project project) {
- return "Project description added \"" + project.getDescription() + "\".";
- }
- public static String printProjectDoneMessage(String projectName) {
- return "Project \"" + projectName + "\" is done!";
- }
- public static String printProjectDeadlineAddedMessage(ArrayList projects, Project project,
- LocalDate date, ArrayList members) {
- String output = "Deadline " + date.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy"))
- + " added to Project " + project.getProjectName() + "\n\n";
- output += printHomeView(projects, members);
- return output;
- }
- public static String printTaskCreatedMessage(String taskName) {
- return "Task \"" + taskName + "\" created!";
- }
- public static String printEstimateAddedMessage(String taskName, int hours, int minutes) {
- return "Task \"" + taskName + "\" has estimated time of " + hours + " hours and " + minutes + " minutes";
- }
- public static String printActualDurationAddedMessage(String taskName, int hours, int minutes) {
- return "Task \"" + taskName + "\" took " + hours + " hours and " + minutes + " minutes to be completed.";
- }
- public static String printTaskDoneMessage(String taskName) {
- return "Task \"" + taskName + "\" is done!";
- }
- public static String printTaskDeletedMessage(String taskName) {
- return "Task \"" + taskName + "\" removed!";
- }
- public static String printHomeView(ArrayList projects, ArrayList teamMembers) {
- String output = "EZ Manager Home View\n";
- output += "\n ----------------------";
- output += "\n| PROJECT LIST |";
- output += "\n ----------------------\n";
- output += "\nIndex Status Project Name Project Description "
- + "Deadline Tasks Completed Remarks";
- output += "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- + "---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
- int projectIndex = 1;
- String paddedProjectIndex;
- String paddedProjectStatus;
- String paddedProjectName;
- String paddedProjectDescription;
- String paddedProjectDeadline;
- String paddedTaskCompleted;
- for (Project project : projects) {
- paddedProjectIndex = String.format("%-8s", projectIndex + ".");
- String projectStatus;
- if (project.isProjectDone()) {
- projectStatus = "Y";
- } else {
- projectStatus = "N";
- }
- paddedProjectStatus = String.format("%-9s", projectStatus);
- String projectName = project.getProjectName();
- if (projectName.length() >= 25) {
- projectName = projectName.substring(0, 21) + "...";
- }
- paddedProjectName = String.format("%-25s", projectName);
- if (!project.getDescription().equals("")) {
- String projectDescription = project.getDescription();
- if (projectDescription.length() >= 35) {
- projectDescription = projectDescription.substring(0, 31) + "...";
- }
- paddedProjectDescription = String.format("%-35s", projectDescription);
- } else {
- paddedProjectDescription = String.format("%-35s", "-");
- }
- if (project.getProjectDeadline() != null) {
- String projectDeadline = project.getProjectDeadline().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy"));
- paddedProjectDeadline = String.format("%-13s", projectDeadline);
- } else {
- paddedProjectDeadline = String.format("%-13s", "-");
- }
- String taskCompleted = project.getNumberOfFinishedTask() + "/"
- + project.getNumberOfTask();
- paddedTaskCompleted = String.format("%-20s", taskCompleted);
- String remarks = "-";
- LocalDate dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline = null;
- Task taskWithNearestDeadline = null;
- if (!project.getTaskList().isEmpty()) {
- ArrayList tasks = project.getTaskList();
- for (Task task : tasks) {
- LocalDate deadlineOfTask = task.getDeadline();
- if (deadlineOfTask == null) {
- continue;
- } else if (dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline == null) {
- dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline = deadlineOfTask;
- taskWithNearestDeadline = task;
- } else if (deadlineOfTask.compareTo(dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline) < 0) {
- dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline = deadlineOfTask;
- taskWithNearestDeadline = task;
- }
- }
- LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
- if (dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline != null && !taskWithNearestDeadline.getStatus()) {
- //find the difference in the number of days from current days to deadline
- Period period = Period.between(currentDate, dateOfTaskWithNearestDeadline);
- if (period.getDays() <= 5 && period.getMonths() == 0 && period.getYears() == 0) {
- remarks = "!!!WARNING!!! Task \"" + taskWithNearestDeadline.getDescription()
- + "\" has " + period.getDays() + " day(s) before deadline and still not done!!";
- } else {
- remarks = "Task \"" + taskWithNearestDeadline.getDescription()
- + "\" has an upcoming deadline at " + taskWithNearestDeadline.getDateString()
- + " and still not done!!";
- }
- }
- }
- output += "\n" + paddedProjectIndex + paddedProjectStatus + paddedProjectName + paddedProjectDescription
- + paddedProjectDeadline + paddedTaskCompleted + remarks;
- projectIndex++;
- }
- output += "\n\n ----------------------";
- output += "\n| MEMBERS LIST |";
- output += "\n ----------------------\n";
- output += "\nIndex Member Name Projects Involved";
- output += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
- int memberIndex = 1;
- for (TeamMember member : teamMembers) {
- String paddedMemberIndex = String.format("%-8s", memberIndex + ".");
- String memberName = member.getName();
- if (member.getName().length() >= 30) {
- memberName = member.getName().substring(0, 26) + "...";
- }
- String paddedMemberName = String.format("%-30s", memberName);
- output += "\n" + paddedMemberIndex + paddedMemberName;
- if (!member.getAssignedProjects().isEmpty()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < member.getAssignedProjects().size(); i++) {
- String assignedProjectName = member.getAssignedProjects().get(i).getProjectName();
- if (i == 0) {
- output += "1. " + assignedProjectName;
- } else {
- output += "\n "
- + (i + 1) + ". " + assignedProjectName;
- }
- }
- } else {
- output += "-";
- }
- output += System.lineSeparator();
- memberIndex++;
- }
- return output;
- }
- public static String printTaskSelectedMessage(String taskName) {
- return "Selected Task: " + taskName;
- }
- public static String printTaskDeadlineMessage(LocalDate date, String taskName) {
- return "Deadline " + date.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy"))
- + " added to Task " + taskName;
- }
- public static String printTaskNameUpdatedMessage(String oldTaskName, String newTaskName) {
- return "Task " + "\"" + oldTaskName + "\" has been updated to \"" + newTaskName + "\"";
- }
- public static String printInHomeViewMessage() {
- return "Already in Home View!";
- }
- public static String printSwitchedToHomeViewMessage() {
- return "Switched to Home View";
- }
- public static String projectViewMessage(Project project) {
- try {
- String projectTitle = "Project \"" + project.getProjectName() + "\"";
- String projectDescription = "\n" + "Description:" + "\n" + project.getDescription();
- String taskListTitle = "\n ---------------------\n| TASK LIST |\n ---------------------";
- String membersListTitle = "\n ---------------------\n| MEMBERS LIST |\n ---------------------";
- String indexSpaces = " "; // 6
- String statusSpaces = " "; // 6
- String descriptionSpaces = " "; // 19
- String deadlineSpaces = " "; // 16
- String prioritySpaces = " "; // 11
- String expectedSpaces = " "; // 18
- String actualSpaces = " "; // 13
- String membersSpaces = " "; // 16
- String tableLabel = "Index Status Description "
- + "Deadline Priority Expected Hrs Actual Hrs | Members Involved\n"
- + "------------------------------------------------"
- + "-----------------------------------------------|------------------";
- Integer extra = 0;
- Integer i = 0;
- int index;
- String currentTaskLine = "";
- String taskLines = "\n";
- if (project.getTaskList().size() > 0) {
- for (; i < project.getTaskList().size(); i++) {
- index = i + 1;
- Task currentTask = project.getTaskList().get(i);
- String status = currentTask.isDone() ? "(Y)" : "(N)";
- String description = currentTask.getTaskDescription();
- String deadline = currentTask.getDateString();
- currentTaskLine = index + indexSpaces + status + statusSpaces + description
- + (descriptionSpaces.substring(0, descriptionSpaces.length() - description.length()));
- if (deadline.length() > 0) {
- currentTaskLine += (deadline);
- } else {
- currentTaskLine += "-";
- }
- currentTaskLine += (deadlineSpaces.substring(0, deadlineSpaces.length() - deadline.length()));
- int priority = currentTask.getPriority();
- if (priority > 0) {
- currentTaskLine += (priority);
- } else {
- currentTaskLine += "-";
- }
- currentTaskLine += (prioritySpaces.substring(0, prioritySpaces.length() - 1));
- Integer estimate = currentTask.getEstimate();
- if (estimate > 1) {
- currentTaskLine += (estimate / 60);
- extra = estimate.toString().length() - 1;
- } else {
- currentTaskLine += "-";
- extra = 0;
- }
- currentTaskLine += (expectedSpaces.substring(0, expectedSpaces.length()
- - estimate.toString().length() + extra));
- Integer actual = currentTask.getActual();
- if (actual > 1) {
- currentTaskLine += (actual / 60);
- } else {
- currentTaskLine += "-";
- }
- extra = actual.toString().length() - 1;
- currentTaskLine += (actualSpaces.substring(0, actualSpaces.length()
- - actual.toString().length() + extra));
- String memberName = null;
- ArrayList members = currentTask.getMembers();
- currentTaskLine += "|";
- memberName = "|";
- for (TeamMember member : members) {
- currentTaskLine += member.getName() + "|";
- memberName = member.getName();
- }
- //currentTaskLine += (membersSpaces.substring(0, membersSpaces.length() - memberName.length()));
- taskLines += (currentTaskLine + "\n");
- }
- } else {
- taskLines += "No tasks have been added to this project.";
- }
- ArrayList members = project.getTeamMembers();
- String membersListLines = "";
- if (members.size() > 0) {
- for (int j = 0; j < members.size(); j++) {
- membersListLines += (j + 1) + ". " + members.get(j).getName() + "\n";
- }
- } else {
- membersListLines += "No team members have been assigned to this project.";
- }
- return projectTitle + "\n" + projectDescription + "\n" + taskListTitle + "\n"
- + (project.getTaskList().size() > 0 ? tableLabel : "") + taskLines
- + "\n \n" + membersListTitle + "\n" + membersListLines;
- } catch (Error e) {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- }
- return "hi";
- }
- public static String printMemberAssignedToTaskMessage(String memberName, String taskName) {
- return "Member \"" + memberName + "\" has been assigned to \"" + taskName + "\"";
- }
- public static String printMemberAssignedToProjectMessage(String memberName, String projectName) {
- return memberName + " assigned to Project \"" + projectName + "\"";
- }
- public static String printPriorityAssignedToTaskMessage(int priority, String taskName) {
- return "Priority \"" + priority + "\" has been assigned to \"" + taskName + "\"";
- }
- public static String printHoursWorkedMessage(String memberName, double hoursWorked) {
- return memberName + " worked for " + String.format("%.1f", hoursWorked) + " hours.";
- }