This whole guide is targeted for OS X installation. This because all development has taken place on OS X.
This assumes a clean OS X installation (with Java SDK). Skip steps accordingly to your own configuration:
Install Homebrew (alternatively, you can install MacPorts)
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install NodeJS (with NPM), MongoDB and Scala (through the Typesafe Activator)
This instruction is tested with typesafe-activator version 1.3.9, Scala version 2.11.7 and Java version 1.8.0_92.
brew install node mongodb typesafe-activator
Optional: Look in the comments on how to enable MongoDB, or just run directly using:
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
Install Bower & Gulp
npm install -g bower gulp
Clone Rosemary using git(hub)
git clone Rosemary
Install dependencies
# Navigate into Rosemary directory npm install bower install
Now, we have a fully enabled development environment. To start, just run the following command:
activator run
and navigate to http://localhost:9000/.
Make sure you have disabled your caches to enable proper live reload functionality.