controls Keithley sourcemeter to measure current voltage curves via an in-line four point probe and calculate sheet resistance from them.
Pure Python (and pure open source) implimentation (no National Instruments libraries) via pyvisa and pyvisa-py with Python 3 and QT5 gui.
Keithley 2450 sourcemeter. Connected via Ethernet/serial/usb. You must know the VISA address, that's something like TCPIP::
for an Ethernet connected device.
How to install on various operating systems.
pacaur -S --needed git python-pyqt5 python-scipy python-uncertainties python-pyvisa python-pyvisa-py python-matplotlib
git clone [email protected]:AFMD/rs-tool.git
cd rs-tool
pyuic5 userInterface.ui -o #build the python/qt5 interface file