Bodycam footage shows an unarmed man walking around in the street. The man allegedly called for oxygen and appears to be in distress, with difficulty communicating his mental state or his medical needs. Another officer arrives on scene and fires his taser at the man. The officer kneels on his neck and continues to tase him. The body cam footage is covered briefly, before showing the other officer pressing his stun gun into the man's neck, then strikes him on the head with the taser. The man screams and attempts to stand. The EMTs assist the police in subduing him, while an officer places his hands in cuffs. Near the end of the footage he can be heard saying, "I can't breathe".
This footage does not appear to be protest related, but demonstrates a severe escalation in force dealing with a man not in a fit mental state.
tags: taser, strike, arrest, non-protest, neck, knee-on-neck
id: va-fairfax-1
- Full video
In this video, delegate Lee Carter asks officers questions about their methods in the protests. He stands in the way of an advancing line of law enforcement officers; he is pushed to the ground at 1:30 and pepper-sprayed at 2:27. He also claims to have been hit by a flashbang grenade earlier in the protest (see also third link). At some point (see Facebook video), someone who seems to be the delegate shouts "I'm a member of the general assembly. I write the state police budget. They're gonna fucking regret that."
It is unclear how the protest unfolded, and why the police were advancing on the crowd wearing riot gear; police allege that the protest turned violent and some protesters say that they were tear-gassed or shot at with rubber bullets while peacefully protesting or retreating. (See fourth and fifth links.)
tags: politician, push, shove, pepper-spray, spray
id: va-manassas-1
A police officer pepper sprayed a man watching from his second floor apartment after spraying three people just walking down the sidewalk.
tags: spray, pepper-spray
id: va-richmond-1
- Full video
Tear gas canisters were launched by police at peaceful protesters around Robert E. Lee Monument at approximately 7:35 PM. The police chief has said that the officers' actions were "unwarranted" and "outside dept protocols." At least one protester has sued the officers involved.
tags: tear-gas, tear-gas-canister
id: va-richmond-2
- Drone footage of Event
- Police chief's response
- Court filing
A police officer spits on a detained protestor who is restrained and sitting on the ground. The officer appears to repeat the action after other protestors mention that he's on camera.
tags: arrest, inhumane-treatment
id: va-richmond-3
In this video, an officer fires a tear gas canister at a slow moving vehicle. It appears that he was unaware the vehicle belonged to the police.
tags: tear-gas, tear-gas-canister
id: va-richmond-4
In this video, protestors on bikes are shown blocking a police vehicle from progressing down a road. The vehicle moves around the protesters, but instead of continuing on the sidewalk until getting past the crowd, the cop pushes the car through the protestors and knocks a protester off of their bike.
tags: vehicle, drive
id: va-richmond-6
Around 10 pm on June 15th, peaceful protestors gathered outside the Richmond Police Headquarters at some distance from the officers. Officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protestors.
Richmond was no longer under curfew restrictions at this time.
tags: tear-gas, rubber-bullets, shoot
id: va-richmond-5