Three police officers run over to and tackle man with hands raised giving an interview to local news. Location: Bailey Avenue & Decker Street, Buffalo.
tags: tackle, arrest
id: ny-buffalo-1
Two police officers shove an unarmed, elderly man (reportedly 75 years old), who falls backwards and strikes his head on the concrete sidewalk. He appears to begin bleeding from his ear and passes out.
Buffalo P.D. released an official statement saying that he "tripped and fell." They have now opened an investigation into the incident Buffalo Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood has reportedly ordered the suspension of both officers involved. In response to the suspension, the Buffalo Emergency Response Team resigned from their posts
The man suffered brain damage and has begun physical therapy.
Location: Outside City Hall, Niagara Square
tags: shove, strike, push
id: ny-buffalo-2
Reporter shot at over a dozen times at close range and arrested, despite identifying himself. Was told his 1st Amendment rights did not matter.
tags: journalist, shoot, threaten, projectile
id: ny-buffalo-3
A protestor is seen walk side-by-side with an officer. The officer steps in front of him and stops such that the protestor lightly grazes the officer.
Numerous police officers then throw the man to the ground and kneel on his neck to make the arrest.
tags: arrest, shove, push, knee, knee-on-neck, throw, tackle
id: ny-eastmeadow-1
A police contingent far outnumbering protestors shows up to block roads. Protestors are peaceful and the majority follow order to back away. Nonetheless, footage shows arrests and police charging at protestors.
tags: arrest
id: ny-merrick-1
Woman was sent to the ER due to seizure caused by policeman flinging her to the ground violently.
The NYP has suspended the officer involved.
tags: shove, throw
id: ny-newyorkcity-1
Policeman deliberately opens car door to knock an individual down to the ground.
tags: vehicle, drive
id: ny-newyorkcity-2
Assemblywoman Diana Richardson talks about being pepper-sprayed at the Barclays Centre.
tags: politician, pepper-spray, spray
id: ny-newyorkcity-3
A police officer flings a man against the side of a police car, knocking him unconscious. Victim appears to have been yelling at two other police officers that were beating another man.
tags: throw, shove, beat
id: ny-newyorkcity-4
The NYPD Squad are seen beating protestors with batons and pushing them around.
tags: beat, batons, push, shove
id: ny-newyorkcity-5
A police officer shoves a man repeatedly off the road and into a metal fence by the sidewalk.
tags: shove, push
id: ny-newyorkcity-6
An NYPD officer pushes a civilian down towards trash cans.
tags: shove, push
id: ny-newyorkcity-7
Despite clearly identifying himself, the reporter was taken into custody during a protest.
tags: journalist, arrest
id: ny-newyorkcity-8
An NYPD officer in a white shirt, denoting a rank of Lieutenant or higher, uses a plastic barricade to shove protestors back. He then topples the barricade and charges at protestors.
tags: shove, push
id: ny-newyorkcity-27
An NYPD officer kneels on the back of a street medic to arrest him. Footage additionally shows the officer destroying medical supplies used to aid tear gas victims
tags: medic, knee, property-destruction
id: ny-newyorkcity-28
CNN commentator, Keith Boykin, was arrested by the NYPD and detained for 6 hours. He was released with a summons for "walking on the highway," and for "disorderly conduct - blocking vehicle traffic." He claims traffic was already blocked by both police and protestors.
tags: journalist, arrest, inhumane-treatment
id: ny-newyorkcity-30
A woman on a bike attempts to maneuver around a police van. An officer jumps out and yanks her from the bike. Another officer throws the bike to the side as several slam her against the van to arrest her.
tags: arrest, push, shove, property-destruction
id: ny-newyorkcity-33
Rayne Valentine, a hospital employee in Brooklyn, states he was walking home on the night of the 31st after an overtime shift assisting with COVID-19 care. Valentine states he saw police chasing a teen and began recording. After a short interaction, police began beating Valentine. He states that police then threw his phone to him and left. Valentine then walked back to the hospital, where he received 2 CT scans and 7 staples.
tags: medic, beat, strike, shove
id: ny-newyorkcity-32
A police officer forcefully pulls off a protestors face mask and pepper sprays him. The protestor had his hands up in surrender when this happened.
The officer involved has been suspended.
tags: pepper-spray, spray, inhumane-treatment
id: ny-newyorkcity-9
A NYPD squad car is driven into civilians, ramming them out of its path.
tags: vehicle, drive
id: ny-newyorkcity-10
Police officers are seen beating and assaulting men and women for standing around peacefully.
tags: beat, shove, arrest, batons, knee
id: ny-newyorkcity-11
Image shows Senator Zellnor Myrie with pepper spray in his eyes.
tags: politician, pepper-spray, spray
id: ny-newyorkcity-12
Protestors had their hands up, yet were pepper sprayed in the face.
tags: pepper-spray, spray
id: ny-newyorkcity-15
Police hit an African American journalist for the WSJ in the face multiple times. He lost his glasses and injured his ankle as he was following instructions to back away and had his hands up. He had his press badge displayed.
tags: journalist, property-destruction, strike, shields
id: ny-newyorkcity-16
Videos showed police in New York hitting demonstrators with batons in several locations over the past few days. One of those struck was Huascar Benoit, 21, who said he was peacefully protesting in Brooklyn when a police officer hit him with a baton, fracturing bones in his face, injuries that might require surgery.
tags: batons, beat, strike
id: ny-newyorkcity-17
Good Call Hotline, a non-profit which helps connect detainees to their loved ones and to free legal counsel, claims that the NYPD "refused to allow protesters to exercise their 6th amendment right to counsel."
tags: inhumane-treatment
id: ny-newyorkcity-29
Police charge at a peaceful protest, knocking protestors off bikes, throwing others to the ground, and making numerous arrests
tags: shove, push, arrest, throw, strike
id: ny-newyorkcity-31
A woman is seeing moving another protestor from the scene in an apparent attempt at de-escalation. She is shoved by multiple officers. She appears to jerk her hand back from an officer, at which point, several officers pull her away, striking her with their fists, feet and batons.
tags: arrest, kick, punch, strike, beat, baton
id: ny-newyorkcity-48
Footage shows a man with his hands up backing away from a band of police officers (approximately 10-20). As the man backs across an intersection, an officer charges up to shove him. Officers then chase him and several bystanders, before tackling the man to the ground and beating him.
tags: arrest, shove, beat, tackle
id: ny-newyorkcity-42
Officer is seen here brandishing what appears to be a handgun and pointing it at protestors.
tags: threaten, gun
id: ny-newyorkcity-18
Footage shows a cluster of NYPD officers striking a vehicle with batons and kicking it, before pulling the driver onto the street and arresting them. Footage shows police smashed several of the car's windows.
Officers allege the driver and passenger were looters and had tried to run over police.
Officers additionally allege that the passenger attempted to jump to the driver's seat, run over an NYPD officer, and drive away. However, footage shows heavy traffic on all sides of the car and does not capture the alleged attempt by the passenger.
The driver was charged with attempted murder, assault with intent to cause injury, criminal possession of stolen property, and obstructing government administration. The DA's office later downgraded the attempted murder charge to second-degree assault.
tags: beat, property-destruction, arrest, baton, kick
id: ny-newyorkcity-36
A police officer comes from behind a protestor, lifts him over shoulder height and then slams him into the road, head first.
tags: throw, strike, beat
id: ny-newyorkcity-19
Police beat protesters leaving Stonewall Inn after a demonstration honoring queer and people of color who died at hands of police, in solidarity with George Floyd. One man had his arm broken and required multiple staples to close wounds on his head.
tags: beat, strike, lgbtq+
id: ny-newyorkcity-20
Police are seen here beating a man trying to escape, hitting him multiple times with batons, instead of trying to detain him.
tags: beat, batons, strike, punch, kick, batons
id: ny-newyorkcity-21
A man crossing the street with his bike at a stoplight crosswalk is beaten by police with batons.
tags: beat, batons, strike
id: ny-newyorkcity-22
A woman is walking on the sidewalk with a peaceful protest. Officers walk beside her. She turns to see them and an officer strikes her in the face. Other officers then pull her from the protest and surround her to make an arrest.
tags: shove, beat, strike, bunch, arrest
id: ny-newyorkcity-34
A motorist driving by the protest honks in support. An NYPD officer approaches her and demands her keys, threatening to arrest her. Protestors intervene and distract the officers so the motorist is able to leave.
tags: threaten
id: ny-newyorkcity-35
Footage shows NYPD officer grabbing a protestor's bike and walking away with it, citing curfew restrictions as the reason for seizure.
A thread on Twitter from an alleged victim and member of the press who states that police stole their bike and roughed them up.
tags: journalist, bike, abuse-of-power, property-destruction
id: ny-newyorkcity-45
Police strike a protestor with batons, before tackling him and arresting him. They shove other protestors with batons. Shortly after, police pin a man to the ground and kneel on him to make an arrest. A journalist identifies herself at the scene (link 3) and is credited with a first-person video (link 2) of the incident where she is shoved by police as she displays her press badge and films.
Additional footage (link 4) from a journalist involved in the incident shows evidence of police shoving protestors and journalists throughout the night.
tags: journalist, shove, strike, throw, beat, arrest, batons
id: ny-newyorkcity-23
Two women with bikes are being questioned by officers. One woman is cuffed and arrested. A man, later revealed in the tweet to be an ACLU employee, asks the officers what they are doing and what the woman did, while filming. Multiple officers move him back; a strike is heard as well as the man choking. The man states "What was that? You hit me in the fucking neck" multiple times. Location: Brooklyn.
tags: arrest, strike, choke, neck, batons
id: ny-newyorkcity-24
The Legal Aid Society, a law firm for low-income families and individuals, filed an emergency lawsuit after learning protestors had been detained for over 24 hours without arraignment, in violation of New York state law.
A New York state judge rejected the appeal, allowing the NYPD to continue holding protestors, citing the virtual arraignments made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic as a cause of slower processing. However, the Legal Aid Society states that conditions are not suitable for social distancing in the holding cells, thus risking an increased spread of COVID-19.
The NY Daily News cited that as of Thursday, June 4th, 202 people had been detained for over 24 hours.
tags: arrest, inhumane-treatment, abuse-of-power
id: ny-newyorkcity-37
NYPD arrested a DoorDash/Caviar delivery person for violating the curfew, although food delivery workers are exempt from curfew restrictions.
The worker is wearing a branded backpack designed for food delivery and is riding his bike. He offers to show officers his orders on his phone, but they do not allow him.
A news report states the worker was leaving a delivery as a protest passed by.
tags: arrest, abuse-of-power
id: ny-newyorkcity-38
Police shut down a birthday party on private property. The party was occurring after curfew, but witnesses say police first claimed they wree responding to a noise complaint. Then allegedly stated the partygoers needed to go inside due to the curfew, the curfew restrictions did not apply to private property, which includes the building's stoop and yard. A partygoer states that he and others begain to clean up, but police then began forcing people back into the building before they had time to comply.
Police continued shoving protestors already inside the building. Footage shows verbal altercation between police and partygoers before an officer forced his way past a door, shoving several partygoers. Police then began arresting partygoers and beating them with batons.
Footage shows partygoers were beaten with batons and ziptied.
Three partygoers state officers used racial slurs while arresting them.
Images show swollen hands from zip ties as well as bruises from batons. One partygoer states he suffered a severe sprain in his arm, and doctors could not determine from an X-Ray if it had been broken or not.
tags: arrest, racial-profiling, inhumane-treatment, baton, beat
id: ny-newyorkcity-39
A CUNY grad student working with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), often identified by neon hats, states he was approached by eight officers emerging from an unmarked van. He states he told police he was working with the NLG and that the curfew had not yet begun.
The student states police seized his notebook and accused him of "illegal counter-surveillance against police." He additionally states hearing a call over the radio: "A lot of LOs out tonight," where LO is an abbrevation for Legal Observer. Although the NYPD patrol guide acknowledges the observers' right to monitor police activity and record the names of arrestees, the student and at least 10 other observers were arrested.
tags: arrest, abuse-of-power
id: ny-newyorkcity-40
At roughly 8:00 PM, on E. 136th St. by Brook Ave, cops pushed protestors into an increasingly tight space and use pepper spray and batons. Police then proceeded to make violent mass arrests. Footage shows use of batons and shields to strike protesters and police kneeling on protestors to make arrests.
Footage additionally shows officers standing on cars to swing batons at protestors.
One video additionally shows protestors shouting for a medic as a woman has gone into labor.
tags: pepper-spray, spray, batons, beat, shield, strike, arrest, pregnant
id: ny-newyorkcity-25
- pregnant woman at 2:08
A crowd gathers around as a man in scrubs is arrested.
In a report after the fact, he says police laughed when he and other detained protestors requested masks. He also states that he was kept with 17 people in a small, warm room (he approximates 8'x10' and 85 degrees).
tags: medic, arrest, abuse-of-power, inhumane-treatment
id: ny-newyorkcity-47
At protests on the night of June 4th, multiple reporters share footage of police shoving them with batons. One reporter states she was released from arrest after showing her press badge, but says she was shoved around first.
tags: journalist, baton, strike, shove
id: ny-newyorkcity-43
A woman states she was arrested on the stoop of her home (which is private property and exempt from curfew restrictions) after cheering on passing protestors. Her footage shows a man being arrested while police tell the others to go inside because of the curfew, despite the fact that their stoop is acceptable under curfew restrictions.
tags: arrest, abuse-of-power
id: ny-newyorkcity-44
Video shows a police officer with a strip of tape covering his badge number. In addition, he has removed his name tag. He states he has received direct orders from above to do so.
tags: hide-badges, abuse-of-power
id: ny-newyorkcity-46
Footage shoves a small crowd of protestors arguing with police. A cyclist is in the bike lane. An officer shoves him multiple times until he is thrown off the bike to the curb. The cyclist appears to have trouble getting up, but the footage then cuts off.
tags: bike, shove, push
id: ny-newyorkcity-41
Multiple police officers tackle a cyclist on a Black Lives Matter group ride. The man is repeatedly punched in the head by an officer and as the person filming shouts at him not to resist, he shouts "I'm not!"
tags: tackle, punch, arrest, beat, strike
id: ny-newyorkcity-26
Police are seen shooting at individuals who were recording an incident.
tags: shoot, rubber-bullets
id: ny-rochester-1